Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Topology: Quarters, Dimes, Index Card, Scissors and You

Starting Small: A Quarter Through a Dime-Sized Hole
  1. Fold an index card in half, widthwise.
  2. Unfold the card and trace a dime so that it is centered on the card. Use the crease as a guideline.
  3. Refold the card and cut out the shape of the traced dime.
  4. Now that you have a dime-sized hole, try to fit a quarter through it. It's just not possible, right?
  5. Here's the trick . . . .  With the card folded along the crease, place the quarter inside of the folded card. Make sure that the quarter is centered on the dime-sized hole you already cut.
  6. Grip each of the corners on the folded end of the card with your thumb and index finger. Pull the corners up and watch as the quarter slides out the dime-sized hole.
Going Big: Fitting Through an Index Card
  1. Fold an index card in half, lengthwise this time.
  2. Unfold the card and cut an incision along the crease that you've created. Don't cut all the way to the either end of the card. Leave 1/8" to 1/4" on each end.
  3. Fold the card in half again along the same crease as before.
  4. Carefully make a cut at the point your first incision stopped at a 90º angle down towards the open or unfolded side of the card. Again, remember to leave a 1/8" to 1/4" gap.
  5. Repeat the previous step, this time starting from the open side of the card, leaving a gap before you get to the other incision.
  6. Continue making alternating cuts along the length of the card until you reach the other side.
  7. Gently pull the card open by pulling on the two ends of your original crease. The resulting, zig-zagging loop will be big enough to fit over your entire body!

How does it work?

Both of these Index Card Tricks are based on topology. Topology is concerned with continuous deformation of objects and how the way a surface or object is analyzed and manipulated determines how we understand it. Sounds complicated, right? The science of topology shows how you can alter the shape of an object without altering its size.
In the Quarter Through a Dime-Sized Hole experiment, you are able to change the perceived size of the hole without actually altering it. The squeezing and bunching of different areas of the card allow the hole to gain size along the width of the quarter.

In the Fitting Through an Index Card experiment, when you cut the card as the instructions direct you to, you do not remove any part of the card. You simply change the perceived layout in the zig-zagging loop that allows you to fit through it. In both experiments, topology allows you to change the shape or layout, but not the actual size.

SOURCE: Steve Spangler Science

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Chlorophyll, Chromatography, Colors

Of all the natural processes around us, the annual changing of leaves from green to different shades of yellow, orange, and red is perhaps the most beautiful. But behind this show of color, there are important scientific processes at work.

Want a peek into the science behind a tree's changing leaves? With this hands-on activity, you'll see how those colors stay hidden in the leaf all year long!

What You Need:

  • Leaves
  • small jar (a baby food or small salsa jars work well)
  • cover for jars or aluminum foil or plastic wrap
  • rubbing alcohol
  • paper coffee filter
  • shallow pan
  • hot tap water
  • plastic knife or spoon
What You Do:
1) Have your child collect 2-3 large leaves from the same tree type. You and your child should tear or chop the leaves into very small pieces and put them into small jars.  
2) Add enough rubbing alcohol to the jar to cover the leaves. Using a plastic knife or spoon, carefully chop and grind the leaves in the alcohol. 
SAFETY NOTE: rubbing alcohol can be harmful if mishandled or misused. Use in a well-ventilated area, and avoid contact with skin.
3) Have your child cover the jar very loosely with a lid, plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Place the jar carefully into a shallow tray containing 1 inch of hot tap water.
4) Keep the jar in the water for at least a half-hour, longer if needed, until the alcohol has become colored (the darker the better). 
Twirl the jar gently about every five minutes. Replace the hot water if it cools off.

5) Have your child cut a long thin strip of coffee filter paper. 
Remove the jar from the water and uncover it. Place a strip of filter paper into the jar so that one end is in the alcohol. Bend the other end over the top of the jar and secure it with tape.
The alcohol will travel up the paper, bringing the colors with it. 
6) After 30-90 minutes the colors will travel different distances up the paper as the alcohol evaporates. You should be able to see different shades of green, and possibly some yellow, orange or red, depending on the type of leaf.

What happened?
Chlorophyll is a green compound that hides the other colored pigments present in leaves. In the autumn chlorophyll breaks down, allowing the other pigments to be seen. The mix of pigments in a leaf may be separated into bands of color by the technique of paper chromatography.

Chromatography involves the separation of mixtures into individual components, which you just did using alcohol and energy (heat). Then, by "absorption" and "capillarity," separation can take place!
The paper holds the substances using absorption, while capillarity pulls the substances up the paper at different rates. Pigments are separated on the paper and show up as colored streaks or bands.
Pretty cool, huh?

As possible extension activities compare different types of leaves and/or experiment with other types of paper.

Mike is a 20-year veteran science teacher, and runs an online business ( Over the years Mike has studied trends in science, education, and finance, conducting research, developing programs, and writing articles on these topics.


LAGNIAPPE:  Chlorophyll in Olive Oil

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mysterious Appearing Colors (Benham's Disk)

Video followed by explanation. Source link.

We know that red and blue make purple, blue and yellow make green, and that yellow and red make orange. Most of all, we know that when you mix black and white you get…um…a rainbow.

You can use black and white to make actual colors. See just how the spinning illusion can trick your eyes.


Mysterious Appearing Colors
Mysterious Appearing Colors
Mysterious Appearing Colors
Mysterious Appearing Colors
Mysterious Appearing Colors
Mysterious Appearing Colors
Mysterious Appearing Colors
Mysterious Appearing Colors
  1. Click on the downloadable template and print it out on craft paper or card stock.
  2. Cut out one of the four circular designs.
  3. Break a toothpick in half and stick one of the halves through the design you cut out. Make sure the pointed end of your toothpick is on the blank side of the disk.
  4. You've made a top. Give the top a spin and watch the design on the top. What do you see?
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 with the other three circular designs. What do you notice about these designs as they spin?


Once you've got the disk spinning, take a look at the circular design on it. What's going on over there? Where did all of those colors come from?
*Note* Some of the disks only produce colors at certain speeds, some faster or slower than others.

How does it work?

Hmmm… how does it work? That's a really good question. We honestly don't know for sure. No one does. But we've got some pretty good guesses.
The black and white circular design that you printed out and pasted to your cardboard is called Benham's Disk. 
Benham's Disk originated over 100 years ago and, when spun at the right speed, creates a changing pattern of light that is noticeable by your retina. 
Many scientists think that the visible pattern of light created by the disk resembles a "code" similar to what the brain receives when the eyes see color. The rapidly spinning black and white disk tricks the brain into seeing the colors. Crazy!